1/32 Fokker DVII "lozenge" and streaked decals for the Wingnut Wings model..
OK, so there's a few to choose from...and even this selection by no means covers all the possibilities!
This choice is offered as each aircraft would have had a different Tarnstoff (Lozenge) fabric "footprint".
I didn't want all your models to look the same!
The effect of these colours "in the field" was almost butterfly-like and some units, doubtful of the camouflage effectiveness of these patterns immediately over "painted" the new fabric with tinted dope in an attempt to subdue the startling appearance.
This effect can easily be achieved with mist-coating "tobacco" coloured varnish and, as aircraft that spent more than a couple of weeks in service soon started to lose their sheen to sun, whether, oil, fuel and dirt, you can consider perished and bloomed varnish effects.
Here's a guide to help you choose from the menu...
Which manufacturer produced your chosen subject, Fokker, Albatros or O.A.W?
We have followed the old Dan san Abbott dicta that each manufacturer had their own method of applying the linen bolts to airframes. A general pattern of application is borne out by study of many photographs but is not written in stone and many variations occurred.
Study any available references and photos, if you have them, to make as "informed" a choice as possible as to your model's "footprint"..
Does your chosen subject have an over-painted tail? If so, you'll just need the wing and fuselage sets..
Some modellers like to see a "ghost" of the underlying lozenge fabric beneath the overpainting, in which case you can perhaps use the kit
decals for that?...
Your study, or WNW instruction manual, will show whether your subject is covered in 4 or 5 colour Tarnstoff "Lozenge" and the likely colour of rib tapes. I believe plain linen tapes were much more extensively used than previously imagined. A blue, pink or linen tape will have the exact same appearance in photographs. Dear D.S.A could not possibly have told the difference between them but it made for a nice, convenient theory..
For those wishing to really "gild the lily" that is this extraordinary kit, why not add our gorgeous Fokker seat (modelled correctly for the first time, ever)? We have included linen covering for it (NOTE : not tailored to the kit part) with the fuselage sets.
So, remember, to make your selection :
Four or five colour "lozenge" or streaked?
Which colour rib tapes?
Do you need wings and/or fuselage and matching tail?
That should help!...if not email me
[email protected]
This choice is offered as each aircraft would have had a different Tarnstoff (Lozenge) fabric "footprint".
I didn't want all your models to look the same!
The effect of these colours "in the field" was almost butterfly-like and some units, doubtful of the camouflage effectiveness of these patterns immediately over "painted" the new fabric with tinted dope in an attempt to subdue the startling appearance.
This effect can easily be achieved with mist-coating "tobacco" coloured varnish and, as aircraft that spent more than a couple of weeks in service soon started to lose their sheen to sun, whether, oil, fuel and dirt, you can consider perished and bloomed varnish effects.
Here's a guide to help you choose from the menu...
Which manufacturer produced your chosen subject, Fokker, Albatros or O.A.W?
We have followed the old Dan san Abbott dicta that each manufacturer had their own method of applying the linen bolts to airframes. A general pattern of application is borne out by study of many photographs but is not written in stone and many variations occurred.
Study any available references and photos, if you have them, to make as "informed" a choice as possible as to your model's "footprint"..
Does your chosen subject have an over-painted tail? If so, you'll just need the wing and fuselage sets..
Some modellers like to see a "ghost" of the underlying lozenge fabric beneath the overpainting, in which case you can perhaps use the kit
decals for that?...
Your study, or WNW instruction manual, will show whether your subject is covered in 4 or 5 colour Tarnstoff "Lozenge" and the likely colour of rib tapes. I believe plain linen tapes were much more extensively used than previously imagined. A blue, pink or linen tape will have the exact same appearance in photographs. Dear D.S.A could not possibly have told the difference between them but it made for a nice, convenient theory..
For those wishing to really "gild the lily" that is this extraordinary kit, why not add our gorgeous Fokker seat (modelled correctly for the first time, ever)? We have included linen covering for it (NOTE : not tailored to the kit part) with the fuselage sets.
So, remember, to make your selection :
Four or five colour "lozenge" or streaked?
Which colour rib tapes?
Do you need wings and/or fuselage and matching tail?
That should help!...if not email me
[email protected]
1/32 Fokker DVII "lozenge" fuselage sets
ATT32159 (Clear decal paper) Fokker DVII (Fokker built) 4 colour "lozenge" fuselage
ATT32160 (Clear decal paper) Fokker DVII (Fokker built) 5 colour "lozenge" fuselage
ATT32161 (Clear decal paper) Fokker DVII (Fokker built, early) streaked finish fuselage & blue doped linen under surfaces
ATT32162 (Clear decal paper) Fokker DVII (Fokker built, early) alternative streaked finish fuselage & unbleached linen interior
ATT32163 (Clear decal paper) Fokker DVII (Fokker built, early) streaked finish & over-painted blue dope under surfaces over "lozenge"
ATT32164 (Clear decal paper) Fokker DVII (Albatros built) 4 colour "lozenge" fuselage
ATT32165 (Clear decal paper) Fokker DVII (Albatros built) 5 colour "lozenge" fuselage
1/32 Fokker DVII "lozenge" wing sets
ATT32168 (Clear decal paper) Fokker DVII (Fokker built) 4 colour “lozenge” with lozenge rib tapes
ATT32169 (Clear decal paper) Fokker DVII (Fokker built) 5 colour “lozenge” with lozenge rib tapes
ATT32170 (Clear decal paper) Fokker DVII (Albatros/OAW built) 4 colour “lozenge” with lozenge rib tapes
ATT32171 (Clear decal paper) Fokker DVII (Albatros/OAW built) 4 colour “lozenge” with blue rib tapes
ATT32172 (Clear decal paper) Fokker DVII (Albatros/OAW built) 4 colour “lozenge” with pink rib tapes - copy
ATT32173 (Clear decal paper) Fokker DVII (Albatros/OAW built) 4 colour “lozenge” with linen rib tapes
ATT32174 (Clear decal paper) Fokker DVII (Albatros/OAW built) 5 colour “lozenge” with lozenge rib tapes
ATT32175 (Clear decal paper) Fokker DVII (Albatros/OAW built) 5 colour “lozenge” with blue rib tapes
ATT32176 (Clear decal paper) Fokker DVII (Albatros/OAW built) 5 colour “lozenge” with pink rib tapes
ATT32177 (Clear decal paper) Fokker DVII (Albatros/OAW built) 5 colour “lozenge” with linen rib tapes
1/32 Fokker DVII "lozenge" tail sets
ATT32178 (Clear decal paper) Fokker DVII (Fokker built) 4 colour “lozenge” tail with lozenge rib tapes
ATT32179 (Clear decal paper) Fokker DVII (Fokker built) 5 colour “lozenge” tail with lozenge rib tapes
ATT32180 (Clear decal paper) Fokker DVII (Albatros built) 4 colour “lozenge” tail with lozenge rib tapes
ATT32181 (Clear decal paper) Fokker DVII (Albatros built) 4 colour “lozenge” tail with blue rib tapes
ATT32182 (Clear decal paper) Fokker DVII (Albatros built) 4 colour “lozenge” tail with pink rib tapes
ATT32183 (Clear decal paper) Fokker DVII (Albatros built) 4 colour “lozenge” tail with linen rib tapes
ATT32184 (Clear decal paper) Fokker DVII (Albatros built) 5 colour “lozenge” tail with lozenge rib tapes
ATT32185 (Clear decal paper) Fokker DVII (Albatros built) 5 colour “lozenge” tail with blue rib tapes
ATT32186 (Clear decal paper) Fokker DVII (Albatros built) 5 colour “lozenge” tail with pink rib tapes
ATT32187 (Clear decal paper) Fokker DVII (Albatros built) 5 colour “lozenge” tail with linen rib tapes
ATT32188 (Clear decal paper) Fokker DVII (OAW built) 4 colour “lozenge” tail with lozenge rib tapes
ATT32189 (Clear decal paper) Fokker DVII (OAW built) 4 colour “lozenge” tail with blue rib tapes
ATT32190 (Clear decal paper) Fokker DVII (OAW built) 4 colour “lozenge” tail with pink rib tapes
ATT32191 (Clear decal paper) Fokker DVII (OAW built) 4 colour “lozenge” tail with linen rib tapes
ATT32192 (Clear decal paper) Fokker DVII (OAW built) 5 colour “lozenge” tail with lozenge rib tapes
ATT32193 (Clear decal paper) Fokker DVII (OAW built) 5 colour “lozenge” tail with blue rib tapes
ATT32194 (Clear decal paper) Fokker DVII (OAW built) 5 colour “lozenge” tail with pink rib tapes
ATT32195 (Clear decal paper) Fokker DVII (OAW built) 5 colour “lozenge” tail with linen rib tapes
ATTRES 022 WW1 German Fokker Dr.I seat and cushion
Modelled accurately for the first time - the distinctive "flare" sided Fokker type aircraft seat, with cushion cast separately
Scaled from the DR.I Engels (Fokker archive based) drawings, it is fractionally larger than the new Meng/WNW DR.I kit version.
Gaspatch 1/32 Spandau 08/15 (Mid period) machine guns (Pair)
Exquisite 3D printed Spandaus (pair) from Costas and the team at Gaspatch Models