ATT32271 Fokker DVII (mid-OAW built) Jasta 65 "U10" Ltn. Heinz von Beaulieu-Marconnay
The iconic "U10" scheme of Ltn. Beaulieu-Marconnay of Jasta 65. The "U10" a nod to the horse branding practice of his former cavalry regiment, the 10th Uhlans.
This machine landed on the forward airfield of US Aero 95th Squadron on November 9th 1918, two days before the Armistice and Heinz was captured..
Heinz's brother, the 25 victory ace and Staffelführer of Jasta 19, Oliver had succumbed to his wounds just two weeks earlier and it is thought that rather than "mistakenly" landing on an allied field, Heinz may quite simply have had enough..
There is actually film of the aircraft being salvaged and readied for its journey to the US, where many German aircraft were taken to be studied. Stills from this film allowed us to better copy the markings, rather than trust any details of the rather poor restoration carried out on the airframe and displayed at the National Air & Space Museum.
A three-sheet decal set, including fuselage, tail and 4 colour "lozenge" wing set ATT32173 with linen rib tapes and "U10" legend along with OAW specific "hier anheben" stencils.
The axle wing was painted half lilac (starboard) and green (port).
Match your paints to the swatches on the decal sheet.
Match the "chocolate" colour of the tail to paint metal cowlings, with the top cowling forward of the cockpit retaining its original OAW lilac on green painted lozenge shapes.
Add resin cowling set ATTRES 046 to achieve the correct appearance of this machine in the field. This converts any WNW boxing of the DVII to the correct cowling variant.
Note : there are other differences in cockpit details, cowlings between DVII manufacturers that comparison of WNW instructions will illuminate.