ATT24011 (Meng kit) Fokker Dr.I unbleached linen with pale blue painted linen undersurfaces
This set is offered for those who may prefer to add their own streaked paint finish over Aviattic's ultra-realistic "unbleached linen" background.
Apply over white gloss base as usual, seal with at least two coats of gloss varnish, mask fuselage and tail blue edge lines (with de-tacked masking tape) before adding your green or brown/green oil streaking. Practice dragging freshly loaded brush until paint nearly exhausted, creating dark and thinned effects - just like real practice!
Varnish coat to seal when thoroughly dry and remove masking.
Varnish again and add markings decals, weathering etc. before yet more varnish coats to achieve a mid-sheen finish.
Check references of your the streaking "footprint" of your chosen subject!
Alter national markings to later variants by overpainting the "factory finish" 1917 versions supplied, as done "in the field", for the ultimate in realism!